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Will Talent give you the extra Mile?

Photo Courtesy of
So you think you can dance, Idols, America Has got talent, America’s best dance crew and the list goes on and on... the search for the very best of the best- We have seen the educated and the the gifted go head to head to win the heart of the judges and the fans. 
Recently, I had the privilege of being behind the scenes as two designers, Abe and Bruno both presented their impressive portfolios at an interview to see who will be the Go Creations next creative intern.

When I first took a peek at Mr Abe’s portfolio , I was simply blown away! You could tell he put much thought into the work. The illustrations, were carefully sketched, pen and paper fused angelically as if to mimic the actual object. 
The drawing was of a young Kenyan boy, with soft skin and a roughness that only the trained human eye could catch, there was so much emotion into the sketched picture an intuition of a kind, that vividly expressed his sensation towards the boy. The image was spectacular, it pulled an eagerness in my mind as I kept staring at the young boy who was in deep thought. 
I kept unwinding every page of many still epic drawings, both in color and in black and white, each with a profound texture to it and a great story behind it.
I was so caught up by the imagery, fascinated by the level of attention and brisk of work that this designer had envisioned. I was so eager to know where this kind of skill was tamed, until I scrolled all the way down to his education and realized he only had the basic education, I call it the basic education guideline level. 
I was looking for a world class education that everyone sought's after, could this be true? I instantly thought,  that his work was not legitimate information, a copy and paste well structured and laid out.
On the other hand, Mr.Bruno's’ work was in fact quite professional, his work was formal, and structured, I could however pin-point a few errors and omissions. 
His work blended in and he seemed to have knowledge on where to place what, where and how...impressive I must say, but I could not find myself actualizing to his work, there was a disconnect...  it lacked an emotional oversight. 
Something was a miss, a distant personality brought to paper, an opaque vision glaring, rather than seductively smiling....
His CV on the other hand, was quite impressive, he had finished his degree program and had other high level certificates from top performing schools.
My first reaction was to quickly settle them down and ask our designers to give them a practical test. Each one of them, asked to design various concepts and submit their work on time.
It was, like waiting for an egg to hatch, quizzically instructing your mind to be patient, looking forward to a new brood of life. This would be a hard one to choose, so I thought, with the kind of education Mr.B has, I was deemed to conclude that he might take it, but wait!  What about Mr. A? 
Did he have the necessary skills to make it in this ever changing design world? 
Could his mind blowing designs salvage him from this nest of skilled, competitive workforce? 
Will he be able to crawl out of this test and finally put our minds to rest.........?
Talent is innate while education is acquired through different forms of learning environment we come into contact with.
For most designers, artists and performers, talent plays a huge role in shaping the quality of work a person brings to the table.
It’s the in-born trait, a sort of acquired skills that very few educated people can match up to.


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