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Time to Share

This is for those who love to dream and to immerse yourself in change 

Warning long post ahead 😎😎

Drum beats πŸ₯πŸ₯

Africa! Africa! Can you hear me Africa!

The sound of that name always puts a cheer on my face. A sound memory of the famous stand-up comedy by Jamie Foxx
He cracks the audience up by sensationally describing Africa! He seemed dazzled by Africa's wildlife, scenery and the beautiful, cultured, sophisticated,  Women of this continent! 
This however, isn't about the laughing voices, this  is a small piece i have written dedicating it to the people of Africa. Challenging our leaders and hoping for a better day when the beautiful sun rises.  
I live in Africa, a huge country as the world sees it and yet we are so diverse and unique in so many ways. 
This is a place where time is limitless, a horizon that is full of hopes and dreams.
We compose the tic-toc of time, the never ending struggles of being available. The presence of humanity seated, standing and dictating the cents that unmistakably does not fill the hollow pockets.
I am always perturbed by the green glow in their eyes, characterized by never ending whispers, sipping from doubting Thomas'. 
Don't you see the careless thrust of greed prowling itself into our world, our Sacred continent? Haven't you noticed the way they watch us with dismay, as we endlessly fight a loosing battle of tribal affiliations. Africa, don't you realize you are stronger together, you are what makes Africa! You are your brothers keeper.
Our systems are a true reflection of imposing quantity and lifeless lives. Our continuous thirst, a measure of un-ending satisfaction. These are the same old systems that gather moss and sell our Afro-humanity to the World, tossing it and taking us back to the days of slavery! This is a challenge to African Leaders, we need strategic leaders, those who will defend Africa to prosperity. We do not need Greedy leaders who will eat away our abundance!
It’s time we the people of this land woke ourselves up from a dictatorial lifestyle, it’s time we ventured into our passionate creativity...a life that is not about ourselves but a life that gives back to our people. We need to be extra proud of our culture, and very patriotic to our roots. 
We need to care about our people! Those whose lives are at a standstill, those who live life as if there is no tomorrow, I’m talking about the poor, the blind, the street children and our tendencies to forget the young abandoned children and our aging fathers and mothers. 
The greatest life, is one that gives willingly and builds itself by giving and sharing.
It's not about how much you can give; it’s never going to be about quantity, but it will always be about quality: a measure of your willingness to participate.
Your thought and actionable presence counts.
It's time we as Africans stepped a little further away from our comfort zone, its time we  shared a simple truth to the world and go against our normalcy.
We were created, born and bred with finesse. A culture of sharing in each others world, an innate sense of empowering each other. We have sharpened our tools for decades, but its time we gather and hunt and bring joy back home.  We have the strength Africans! Our bodies built to last, our minds creative in every sense and the steady rhythm of music wired in us. 
Africa has decided ! we are giving back to our own. The roots of our feet will spread this undying gospel and try to reawaken the sleeping giants...  
It is  time we shared in our peoples lives.


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