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Signals that your hobby could turn into a career

Tusker Project Fame, Sakata dance, America’s best dance crew, the list goes on and on....

You have been watching countless TV programs and are juggling the remote between the palms of your hands, constantly gazing at your clock, wondering when the next episode will be aired. You keep replaying in your mind, how the 'sakata' dancers spin in the air amidst the metallic music background that is blaring past their synchronized movements. 

By now, you have mimicked the countless PLG songs being played, replayed a few melodic tunes in the shower and even attempted a back flip right in front of your father’s living room. That must really hurt! Does it? It has always been this way, you find yourself doing this over and over again.

You have rehearsed the intricate dance move; where you swing your body and parade your arms over your warrior face. There is a quick giggle buzzing in your head, and you start to realize that you can be better at this. You enjoy doing it, and you can dare brag about it. Brag on soldier! Ahuu!!

But wait, you need the inevitable Kenyan shilling. You have emptied your hollow pockets running download errands and furnishing your eyes with season IV repeats. You have sung along to the renowned biasharasong several times and yet your dream of moving out of your mother’s living room is slowly fading away. You have joined the “mtaani base” because you have been plagued by the deadly anthem of “gava saidia”

Time is running out and it is now evident that you need to turn this hobby into a career. Here are simple self evaluation steps that will assist you to be the next (insert

1. Strengths

Carefully select one or two most recurring traits that your friends, family and colleagues mention you are good at. It could be as simple as someone saying; “you make us laugh” “I like how you encourage people” etc. Talk to a close child hood friend, they might just stir up a skill that might have been buried two counties deep.

2. The truth sets you free

“If you sing Mariah Carey’s –Thank God I found you” in front of your friends and there is a vacuum silence, followed by awkward creased faces, staring right beneath your feet, perhaps, nobody has the courage to tell you the truth. Do not worry. They have probably saved you years of chasing after a dream that never was. This might just be your cue to re-consider identifying a stronger unique skill set.

3.  Your Personality is key

Identify a potential skill that is closely related to what your personality trait is. For Example, if you enjoy dancing and have a unique ability to be patient, you can offer to teach people how to dance.

4.  Solve a Problem

Cluster the above skills and identify a problem that the society is facing and how your hobby could ultimately solve a problem. Taking the earlier example, as a dancer, identify a problem, (the lack of exercise and exercise is not fun at all) link the two aspects together and voila! ( A gym that offers dancing classes) Slogan”Enjoy getting fit while you dance!

5. Your audience

Do not limit your audience, free up your time and see who is willing to pay for the services you offer. Analyze the market; learn what it takes to start a business; taxes, licenses. Post ads on online websites like Ask for referrals. Make yourself a brand and relinquish the old fashioned graduate mentality of white collar jobs.

6. Technology

Keep your eyes peered to technology. Learning new skills can deliberately change the demand for your services. If you enjoy drawing, do not settle on drawing sketches. Download graphic design tutorials and learn how to design using Adobe illustrator programs.

7. Never say Never

Start this process of turning your hobby into a business that thrivesIf you don’t try you will never know how to succeed. Work smart, thrive in optimism and be positive!

So what hobby have you turned into a career? What skills can you can offer the world?  A potential employer, buyer and mentor could just be a comment away. 


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